Sunday, November 14, 2010

Back again after many months

Well, I am back for those who read this.  My old computer died and couldn't be repair.  Finally I received a new one but couldn't retrieve my blog and etc.  Anyway after much searching finally Friday night I am back.  I just commented on Lynette's Anderson blog about the lovely diary giveaway.
Our lives have been very busy this past year:  son got married in April, he and his wife are going to have a son in late Feb./early March.  Our youngest daughter graduated college and is working at a south Georgia college while the school pays for her master's.
I will be retiring at the end of the school year after 36 years of teaching primary grades.  That does not seem possible that I have been teaching that many years.  I have enjoyed all the students.  I can't even fathom how many students I have taught in those years!!!!!
Well Thanksgiving is quickly upon us and my husband and our two dogs will be going to our daughter's in Georgia for the holiday.  I have not been there since we moved her in late June so I am excited to see her place.  That's all for now  I am getting ready to cut and sew a BOY baby quilt for our new member of the family coming in FEB.